Antiques Interchange
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Collectible Books : Teenage books Page 2,
Memoirs of NapoléonBonaparte
The Empress Joséphine
Napoléon Bonaparte, Life & Campaigns
Napoléon, The Last Phase by Lord Rosebery
Napoléon in Russia by the Duke of Vicenza
Wellington by P. Guedalla
Clauswitz, Principles
Kenneth Roberts, March to Québec, Arnold's Expedition
Earl of Dufferin, History of the administration in Canada
Duke of Windsor, Biography
Rural Life in England
D'Israeli, by W.F. Moneypenny
Rollin's History
Ancient History, Study book
Beautiful, Britain
Source Records, The Great War
History of the American People by Woodrow Wilson
The American Presidents by James Grant Wilson
World's War Events
HIstory of the World War
Notes of a War Correspondent
Diseases of Women
Internal Diseases
Comparatives Anatomy of Animals
Cultivation of Personal Magnetism
Victor Hugo's Novels
Rose Porter, In the Mist
Sir Walter Scott, The Pirate, Antiquary,Guy Manring
Shakespeare, Comedies & Tradegies
Lord Alfred Tennyson, The work of
J. A. Cronin, the Citadel
Alexandre Dumas, The count of Monte Cristo
C. S. Forester, Hornblower and the Hotspur
C. S. Forester, Mr. Midshipman Hornblower
C. S. Forester, Captain Hornblower
C. S. Forester, Captain Hornblower Flying Colours
C. S. Forester, Comodor Hornblower
Bing Crosby's Own Story
Jackie Collins, Hollywood Divorces
John Gardner, James Bond, Cold Fall
Anne Rice, THe Vampire Armand
Anne Rice, Blackwood Farm
Anne Rice Blood and Gold
Danielle Steel, Special Delivery
Danielle Steel, Now and Forever
Danielle Steel Once in a Lifetime


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